For many preschool parents, drop-off time may seem like the most difficult time of the day. During the first few days of preschool, it is natural for your child to feel anxious when saying goodbye, particularly in an unfamiliar room surrounded by unfamiliar people. Crying and clinging are some common reactions. It is always heartbreaking for anyone to leave a child at school or camp when they are upset. Here are some simple tips to use to help you work through the challenges of “saying goodbye” when separating for the first time at the beginning of the school year. It will soon be an easy transition for you and your child!

  • Smile, relax and, most importantly, remind your little one of all the fun in store! A confident smile sends the message that this place is safe and fun. Always reassure your child that he/she will be just fine and will likely have a ton of fun while at preschool.
  • When you say goodbye, always state where you will be and when you will return. Tell your child one that you will come back when you are done running errands at familiar places like the post office, supermarket or coffee shop. Coming back with something special can also help to reinforce this as a positive experience.
  • Provide a comforting object. It can be a small stuffed animal, a photo or a small security blanket that reminds your child of home. Feel free to bring a favorite book to share with the other students! The most important thing is to let your child pick out the object.
  • Create a special “goodbye routine” and use it every time.  It could be as simple as: spin, hug and kiss on the cheek. Remember to always say goodbye in the same way each time, whether you separate from home or at a relatives house. Avoid lingering or staying within eyesight after saying goodbye.
  • Trust the teachers. Our staff includes some of the very best New York City preschool educators. When you have completed your goodbye routine, we are happy to step in and help your child. We have plenty of methods in our bag of tricks to help calm your little one down.
  • Arrive on time to pick up your child. It is comforting for your child to see you when the teacher opens the door for dismissal. Late arrival can cause more anxiety for your little one and make dropping them off the next time that much harder.

Remember this is just another stage of development that helps your child become more independent. Keep an upbeat and positive attitude. Be patient and consistent, and drop-offs can be a breeze for everyone!

SHARED by: Jeannie Chan, Teacher at Early Learning Foundations Preschool

For more than 16 years, Jeannie has brought energy and an enthusiastic spirit to her teaching style. Having worked with over 3,000 children of different strengths, learning styles, backgrounds, personalities and interests, Jeannie helps nurture young children to feel safe and confident in exploring the world and new learning experiences. Jeannie is fluent in Mandarin and is currently working on a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Special Education from Hunter College CUNY.  She loves spending time with her husband and son, playing jacks (she is REALLY good) and watching fairy tales with a big box of tissues.

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