SHARED by: Karyn Smith, M.Ed
Assistant Director of Early Learning Foundation Preschool

At first glance a preschool classroom may appear to be little more than controlled chaos. But if you look a little closer, you will find carefully organized spaces designed for a child’s developmental success!

A Breakdown of Learning Centers at Early Learning Foundations:

Art Center/Sensory: Materials are provided to take children on their own art explorations. A variety of art mediums are explored using craypas, markers, spangles, colored paper and glue.
Math Center: Children begin addressing basic concepts such as number recognition, patterning and one-to-one correspondence. They are encouraged to help each other and share their strengths across all disciplines.
Literacy Center: Literacy evolves gradually as a function of exposure and interaction with print materials. Pre-readiness skills are developed through the exploration of pictures. Children create their own stories and begin to understand the concept of reading from left to right.
Dramatic Play: Play is the young child’s way of life and is at the heart of the preschool curriculum. It is the most natural way for children to use their capacities to grow, learn new skills and investigate the world around them. When children play, they are learning how to master their impulses as well as their ideas.
Manipulative/Skills Center: The focus of this center is the development of fine motor skills. Playing with play dough, painting, stringing beads together, puzzles, cutting and pasting are activities children participate in which builds their strength and dexterity. Our fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the body that enable us to write, grasp small objects and fasten clothing.

Remember teach, learn and have fun!