SHARED by: Keri Young, Head of the Parenting Group at York Avenue Preschool

Summer is a glorious time of warm weather, sunshine, and less stressful schedules.  We’re all guilty of staying up later and enjoying the last few minutes of rays.  As the summer comes to a close (boo hoo) we all have to give ourselves a reality check and think about getting back into our daily routines.  For many of us this involves getting back to a stricter sleep schedule for ourselves and our children.

If you are wondering how you will possibly start getting back on a normal sleep schedule here are some tips…

  • Do it gradually.  Move up the time you are putting your baby to sleep by 15 minutes at a time.
  • Use black out shades/curtains.  Since it stays light later in the summer, don’t let the reminder of the sun effect the bedtime.
  • Keep the routines the same on the weekends.  Even though there is no work or school on the weekends, the consistency will help establish healthy sleeping habits.
  • Stay calm about it.  Don’t stress!  We’ll all get there and cut yourself some slack – it’s a process!

However you get there, just remember that routines and consistency is the most important factor.  The more things stay the same, the easier it is for children to adjust.   Finally remember to relax, we will all switch our minds and bodies to our fall schedule!