Coach Toya has been with Gymtime for the last two years and has had a great impact on the Gymtime NYC Gymnastics Team. She has an obvious passion for the sport and is great at motivating her girls to always give 100% when they are working in the gym. Now you can get to know the coach with the pink bangs and the gorgeous nails (she does them herself!) even better…

Toya Ballinger Gymtime Coach

What is your role at Gymtime? Head Coach for Gymtime NYC Gymnastics Team, Preschool and Recreational Gymnastics Instructor.

What is the best part of your job? Gymnastics is my first love.  I am blessed to be in a gym every day doing what I know I was born to do. I absolutely love coaching gymnastics, breaking down and perfecting skills while instilling my love for the sport in the kids.

What was your first job? My very first job as a teenager was working in the gym I grew up in, so I have been a coach my entire life!

Where did you grow up? San Francisco, CA

What is your favorite activity to do outside of work? Working out, lifting weights, reading and hanging out with friends.

What would the title of your autobiography be? “Back to Life”  I grew up in poverty and difficult circumstances and for a long time I let it shape the person I was. Now I have learned to let my past be a part of who I am, but I know that I create my own destiny and my drive and determination will lead me to a life beyond the one I started with.

What is something most people would be surprised to learn about you? I am a huge animal lover. I rescued my pitbull “Roc” off the streets a year and a half ago and he is my favorite “person” on earth!

If you could meet one person dead or alive, who would it be? My mom.

What is something you never leave the house without? (besides your wallet, keys and phone!) Headphones because I always have to listen to Rihanna on my way to and from work; food because I’m always hungry; and earrings because I feel naked without them!

What your favorite…

Book?  “The Language of Flowers” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Movie? Three-way tie: Avatar, Selena and Shawshank Redemption

Song? “We Found Love” by Rihanna

Sports team? SF 49ers, SF Giants and LA Lakers

Food? Chicken tostadas, churrasco, tostones, and rice and beans

TV Show?  Southland and 48 Hours Hard Evidence (I am obsessed with true crime shows).

Hot or cold?  Hot. I am a tropical girl and I love hot weather.

Early bird or night owl? Night owl for sure. I do not like to wake up before 9am and I love to stay up late.

Coffee or tea? Tea – Chai!

Sweet or savory? Savory. As long as I can have a butterfinger every now and then.

Country or city? CITY!!!

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