Jeff Cohen is an NPR reporter and author of new children’s book, Eva and Sadie and the WORST haircut ever! The book was inspired by a viral interview between Cohen and his daughter’s Eva and Sadie as they described the worst haircut ever. Cohen is visiting the York Avenue Preschool library and reading to some of the York Avenue Preschool and Early Learning Foundations Preschool classes. We had a few questions about the incident and his experience writing his first children’s book! 

How old were Eva and Sadie when The Worst Haircut Ever incident happened? How old are they now?

The girls were five and three when the deed was done. By the time I got around to interviewing them about it, Sadie was six and Eva was almost four.

You interviewed Eva and Sadie about the haircut and posted the audio online. It quickly became a viral hit with thousands of views. Did the viral attention give you the idea to write the book? Or did you think of doing it before? 

Great question! For a week after the audio went viral, my phone and email inboxes were on fire with all kinds of stuff – interview requests, mostly.  But one call I got was from a person at HarperCollins.  She pitched the idea to me of turning the story into a picture book.  So, actually, the idea to write it wasn’t mine at all!

What did the girls think about you putting their haircut experiment into a children’s book? How have they reacted to the media attention?

We’ve done our best to keep them relatively insulated from media attention. That said, they sometimes come to books signings, and that’s been a lot of fun. At first, they didn’t like the attention that they were getting – I think Sadie may have seen the book as highlighting a mistake. And she doesn’t like making mistakes. But, over time, I think we’ve all come to appreciate how much fun this experience is.

Had you thought about writing a children’s book before?

Not even once.  

What is the message you hope children and families receive after reading ‘Eva and Sadie and The Worst Haircut EVER!”?

Another good question. First, I’m a reporter and a storyteller in my day job. So, my biggest hope is that people who read the book actually like the experience of reading it – and that their take away is the good feeling that comes along with being told a good story. Second, if there’s a “teachable moment” kind of lesson in here, it’s that EVERYONE makes mistakes. It’s how we learn from them that’s important.

The illustrations in the book are beautiful. How did you get connected to illustrator, Elanna Allen?

I agree! But it was a total arranged marriage. We didn’t meet Elanna until after the first book was all but done. But we are thrilled to have been partnered with her and hope to do so even more.

Did you collaborate at all on the illustrations?

Not on “Eva and Sadie and the Worst Haircut EVER!”. (more on the second book below)

What advice do you have for other aspiring children’s book authors/illustrators?

Geez. I’m still an aspiring children’s book author, and I’m working on a draft of a story as we speak. And the advice I give myself is the lesson I’ve learned as a journalist: every word matters, and no word is sacred. Embrace your editors.

Do you have plans for another children’s book?

YES!  Eva and Sadie and the BEST Classroom Ever! Comes out in June 2015!

Feel free to ask lots more at To listen to the original interview, click here. 

Photo Credit: Middlesex County Area Authors

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